Dear Coastwatchers Members and Friends
As promised here is an update on action in Batemans Bay next Wednesday 14 February 2018 (see below if you missed this ).
RFA Community Consultation Drop In (aka GreenWash) – Coachhouse Marina Resort 49 beach Road Batemans Bay12.30pm to 2.00pm Wednesday 14 February 2018
As well as briefing supporters and directing them to the ‘Drop In’ we are asking as many people as possible to be there to support a rally on Beach Road outside the Coachhouse Marina Resort from 12.30 to 2.00pm to alert the public to the threat of new, long term Regional Forest Agreements (RFA’s). The rally is being held in conjunction with other local conservation groups and we will be asking media to attend. A good turn out by CW members will certainly help our media credibility – please join us! Bring your forest banners/placards, plenty of sun protection and water – it promises to be a very warm day!
We have also just learnt there will be a secretive ‘by invitation only’ RFA meeting before the public ‘drop in’ session which excludes the general public. Some of us will therefore be there from 11.00 to ensure invitees know our views on killing forests via RFA’s. If you can join us then also, please do – we will be erecting banners and handing out information sheets to invitees.
Please NETWORK this by email, facebook and twitter to your networks and friends……we need to build a massive new surge of public outrage to save our forests and wildlife!!
RSVP? – please let us know if you are coming by email to or message our facebook
Noel Plumb
Parking on day – the Catalina Country Club is directly, diagonally across from the Coachhouse. It has a large carpark and we suggest you park vehicles there
Apologies for any duplicated postings
Sat 3/02/2018 – Forest Alert
Dear Coastwatchers Members
This is a chance to tell the Turnbull and Berejiklian Governments how deeply opposed you are to the destruction of our native forests by the logging industry. Please put 14 February in your diary NOW
The push to lock in new Regional Forest Agreements is now a rolling juggernaut. The conservation movement is deeply worried that the governments will jointly ram new long term agreements through before they next face elections. It is clear to us that the logging and woodchipping will get even more intense and timber allocations under the new RFA’s will effectively be permanent and legally protected against any reduction without massive compensation.
This will apply no matter how desperate the plight of koalas, the greater glider and all other forest wildlife and despite the escalating climate change crisis for which the destruction of forests by industrial logging is a major factor.
The conservation movement does not believe the community “input” sought by the Governments agent, the Department of Primary Industry (DPI) will be anything other than a sham and a fraud. However, we ask that you drop into the Batemans Bay session on the 14th February (see details below) if possible to tell them how deeply you are opposed to the destruction of our forests by the logging industry and State Forests.
We will get back to you soon with further information on the RFA juggernaut and the current, ongoing struggle to save the Mogo forest from the next round of devastating logging. Remember, despite all the odds, more than 10 years ago we beat off the Mogo charcoal plant that was to burn our South Coast forests.
By the way, have any of you seen the intensive logging right on the Princes Highway and Tomboyne Road, just south of the East Lynne Store? – get out of your car and have a good look at the future of more than two million hectares of NSW forest and imagine even more intensive logging, most of the South Coast’s forests destined for the Eden woodchip mill or overseas power plants if the governments and industry have their way.
Noel Plumb
As part of community consultation, DPI is hosting six drop-in sessions throughout February at the following locations:
FROM THE GOVERNMENT – We are here to help you!
Community input invited on Regional Forest Agreements
Regional communities are being encouraged to have their say on the renewal of NSW Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs), covering the North East, Eden and Southern Regions of NSW.
NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Group Director Forestry Policy, Research and Development, Nick Milham, said the NSW and Australian governments are currently seeking community input through drop-in sessions, and a consultation and submission process.
“The NSW and Australian governments are encouraging all stakeholders to have their say on what shape the RFAs should take and how we can improve the sustainable management of our native forests,” Mr Milham said.
“The governments are working closely with all parties to get the balance right in the long-term management of our forest resources, and consultation is integral to this process.
“We hope to hear from industry, environment groups, landholders and the broader community on any emerging issues or changes that need to be captured since the agreements were developed nearly 20 years ago,” he said.
Mr Milham said the RFAs are in place to ensure the sustainable management and conservation of Australia’s native forests.
“The renewal consultation coincides with a review being undertaken on how we are tracking in current implementation of the RFAs.
“This provides our stakeholders with a full picture on how we have performed under the existing agreements, while at the same time what the future holds, and how we can learn from our experience over the past 20 years.” END
PO Box 521 Batemans Bay NSW 2536