Coastal Management Report Feb 9th 2018

Please note that the reports formerly called CEMAC Reports in the Coastwatchers website will from now be called Coastal Management Reports.


The NSW Government is working to deliver a new legislative and regulatory framework to better equip coastal communities to respond to existing and emerging coastal challenges and opportunities.

The elements of the reform are new legislation – The Coastal Management Act 2016, a draft coastal management manual and a draft Coastal Management State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) with related maps.

Current Status

The Department of Planning and Environment is now giving consideration to the feedback (submissions) received and is working to finalise the Coastal Management SEPP.

The Office of Environment and Heritage is currently finalising the Coastal Management Manual and a Toolkit of technical resources and advice for coastal managers.

Coastal communities are awaiting proclamation of The Act and the SEPP to give certainty to their local coastal management programmes.

Stage three: Options and Opportunities has commenced. This involves developing strategies to assist communities in adapting to coastal hazards.

Council will work with the community to determine what solutions are preferred to manage hazards and will offer solutions and strategies to manage areas that have been identified as being potentially at risk from coastal hazards now and into the future under projected conditions of climate change.

These areas have been mapped to indicate the extent of hazards such as erosion and inundation from storms, waves and tides.

However, any solution must be affordable with limited environmental and community impacts.

The NSW Government will provide $83.6 million for coastal management over the next five years.

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