The East Lynne carrying capacity study suggests the area could support up to four resident koala groups as a best-case scenario, if natural post-wildfire recovery is accompanied by deliberate land management intervention. There might also be one small koala resident group surviving in the area.
Focus points for koala recovery would be Cockwhy, Benandarah, Murramarang and Kioloa. The volunteer Eurobodalla Koala Project conducted the study, supported by the Great Eastern Ranges / WWF Australia “Cores, Corridors and Koalas” South Coast Project (Eurobodalla – lower Shoalhaven) co-hosted by the Coastwatchers Association.
Study conclusions are based on:
- koala records
- SCIVI vegetation types, FCNSW forest types and the NSW Review of Koala Tree Use 2018
- BioNet maps of the Koala Tree Index, topography, geology, soils and the Koala Habitat Suitability Model
- FCNSW Harvest Plans
- our own plot surveys
- descriptions of Murramarang National Park
- commentary from landholders surveyed and others in our network
- vegetated connectivity beyond the East Lynne area
- other research into occupancy rates and carrying capacity
- fire impact