16 March 2018 CW Bulletin inc Wed 21 Mar B Bay Forest Rally

Coastwatchers Bulletin 16 March 2018

Dear Coa​stwatchers Members and Friends

HELP WANTED for the planet!

There are a number of interesting and exciting things happening but Coastwatchers needs volunteers for various tasks if we are to support these events. Please consider what you could take on and let us know ASAP – email contact@coastwatchers.org.au or noelplumb@iinet.net.au.

NCC Regional Meeting – May 2018. We are a member of the NSW Nature Conservation Council which is the peak conservation group for NSW. Once a year it holds a regional meeting with guest speakers on conservation issues and workshops to inform, skill and network regional members. This year the NCC wants to meet in the southern region and is seeking a co-host among regional groups. Coastwatchers is prepared to co-host but we need a small volunteer team to work with NCC to organise the meeting – will you help?

South Coast Forest Forums – April through July 2018 –we have a crucial, life and death fight on our hands to stop the renewal or extension of the 20 year Regional Forest Agreements (rotten forest deals) and bring an end to native forest logging.

The NSW and Federal Governments and the logging industry plan a future of clear felling our forests for woodchips, firewood and fuel for power stations. Their plans are very clear and the RFA’s could lock them in as early as September this yearThe Mogo charcoal nightmare is back – in spades. Our forests will be stick farms and our wonderful forest wildlife gone!

We have to show a better, alternative future for our forests and we need to tell our supporters and public all about it. We need a volunteer team to set up public meetings in as many places as possible in our region to inform the community –  these will not be yet more fruitless debates with forestry and loggers – we are way past that, we will show a better, positive future – will you help?

Forest Rallies – Batemans Bay 21 March and Sydney 24 March 
21 March is UN International Day of the Forests – will you come to the rally 12 noon to 2 pm outside the Batemans Bay Forestry Office? Get involved to stop them destroying our forests – email contact@coastwatchers.com.au and join us on the day – we will have placards there.

Several local groups are now challenging Forestry Corporation over proposals for intensive logging that target the landscape screens along the Princes Highway that Forestry has left in place for many years to hide the appalling logging. The latest is the Corunna Forest Protection Group – for more information or to assist email johnedwardramsay@gmail.com

Friends of the Forest have leafletted Mogo about the imminent logging of the hills behind the village and with locals, gained buffers near walking trails.  Contact friendsoftheforestnsw@gmail.com to see the impact of logging first hand on a logging tour from 4pm Sunday 18 March Dunns Creek Road or another Sunday that suits. Like them on Facebook.

24 March is a major rally, Time2Choose, in Sydney for clean energy . The Rally has invited a Forest Contingent to join them – burning forests for electricity and firewood and woodchipping for paper will undermine any clean energy achievements and hasten climate change as centuries of carbon stores are destroyed i.e. big old trees! Get involved – wear black, march with the Forests Contingent – let us know if you can help with car pool spots – email contact@coastwatchers.com.au. Watch Coastwatchers facebook page for further information on these rallies.

GetUp’s 2018 Campaign Vision will not include our forests, they are not even in their possible top 20! We need to tell them loud and clear – “End all native forest logging and stop any extension or renewal of the 20 year Regional Forest Agreements (rotten forest deals).” Get involved – Do the short survey now – and help put forests high on GetUp’s agenda!

And now a nice change of pace….

18 March 2018 Swap Weeds for Natives –at Corrigans Beach Market this Sunday, March 18, 8am-1pm, weather permitting. Focus is on “Cunning Cassia”. Visit council’s south coast weeds website which includes Council’s weed finder database or phone Council’s Landcare Officer Emma Patyus on 4474 7300.

15 April 2018 Wildlife Survey training – hosted by Bingie Residents Association for the Atlas of Life. Get involved – Find out how to record and upload what you see while you’re still in the field. The more we monitor, the more we know, the more we can protect. Spaces limited, get in early, RSVP essential by 8 April to bingieresidentsassociation@gmail.com .

Coastwatchers Logo – Your committee has been looking at a change to the tagline on our logo to reflect changing times and has identified two preferred options. Have your say – email us at contact@coastwatchers.org.au by 30 March and in the subject line simply paste in either:-

Tagline Survey Eurobodalla’s Voice for Nature


Tagline Survey Eurobodalla’s Voice for the Environment

Of course if you have a different preference altogether, just use the subject line:

Tagline Survey Other and let us know what Tagline you would prefer and why.

Further Information
Gold Mine Tailings Dam collapse: could this happen at the Dargues gold mine at Majors Creek – in our water catchment?  11 March 2018

South Coast Conservationists Reject NSW Government Propaganda on Rotten Forest Deals  16 March 2018

Best wishes from your committee for a happy and effective 2018 in defending nature – our forests, coasts, wildlife, water, climate and so much more……

Noel Plumb – President Coastwatchers



Coastwatchers is on facebook

PO Box 521 Batemans Bay NSW 2536

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